Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nutrition Daily

Breakfast: 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites - (1.5)
1 ww tortilla - (1)
28g lf cheese - (2)
Lunch: 2 lf hot dogs - (2)
1 lite roll - (1)
Snack 1: 1 angel food cupcake - (1)
Dinner: grilled chicken - (3)
rice with veggies - (2)
corn - (1)
grilled peppers (0)
yello with 2 angel food cupcakes - (3)

And then it goes a bit downhill. I don't think it's too bad considering I was only at 17.5 pts above for the day. I made a cake for a bday party tomorrow, and I tested the frosting a few too many times. Luckily, I made it as lowfat as chocolate frosting can be, though. Then I had 3 slices of cheese from the cheese platter, and a stole a bunch grape tomatoes and cukes from the veggie tray. So, not too bad, but I definitely ate up the 7.5 pts I had remaining with that frosting. But, mmmmm, it was good!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Umm, yeah

So, I can't believe what I just did. I entered a 5k. It's on Sept. 14, 2008. A ways away, but it was the closest race to where I live that was more than 3 weeks away. Hopefully, I'll be good and ready by then. It gives me a goal to work towards. And I've already paid the registration fee. The best part: the finish line is an Irish Pub that will have an Irish BBQ and an Irish band. I'll be sprinting towards the finish line. ;)

Nutrition Daily

Breakfast: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg - hardboiled (3)
Lunch: 2 Tortilla Pizzas with mushrooms (6)
Cucumbers (0)
Snack 1: 2 mini angel food cake muffins (2)
Snack 2: Yello with 1 angel food cake and cool whip (2)
Dinner: Chicken Breast (3)
Brown Rice (2)
Grilled Veggies (0)
Snack 3: Yello with 2 angel food cakes and cool whip (3)
Snack 4: Popcorn (2)

Total points: 23

Two weeks down

and a lifetime to go. It's crazy that I've only been at this running thing for 2 weeks, and I'm already getting that runner's high I've heard so much about. Don't believe me? I just ran. On a Friday night. At 9:00pm. And I feel great!

Maybe I should back up a bit. I'm out of shape, and I have been since before giving birth to my beautiful daughter just over 21 months ago. I used to try and stay in shape prior to that, but then I started my own business, and things got crazy. I barely had enough time to shower and eat, nevermind actually exercise. My view on a lot of things changed after I had my daughter. I want to be strong and fit so that I can do all the things she's doing. I don't want to be afraid to go down the slide with her at the park, fearing that I might break the slide. I want to be a healthy, positive role model for her. So, that's my driving force.

Oh yeah, I'm 32. I'm a virgo. And I'm a slooooow runner.

A couple weeks ago I downloaded the Nike+ Running Program with Serena Williams from iTunes. I toughed through it the first week, and I'm going strong at about a 13-minute mile, if I could run for that long in one stretch. I also just downloaded the Couch to 5k podcast, and I think I'll do that once or twice a week, mix in the Serena program once, and maybe find one other to help keep the variety. I'll get into the specifics of my progress on all of these on a semi-daily basis, but right now just know that my maximum continuous run is 4 minutes at about 4.7 mph on the treadmill.

And let the journey begin.