Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now that summer is almost over

And September is right around the corner, it's really time for me to get back into running. I miss it. I miss how I feel when I run. These past few summer months have just been so crazy! Vacations, day trips, birthdays, cookouts, etc. left no time for anything. Allbeit, they were good times, too good! I started my new job last October taking a paycut but with the idea that I would have more time, which to me, is more valuable than money. Well, I keep finding ways to fill that time and make life hectic, but I'm not filling it with the things I had hoped. But now it's time to get serious.

Here's the plan:

Get back into running.

That's as far as I've gotten. I need to spend this weekend thinking about the food and nutrition. Do I want to do points? Do I want to do clean eating? Do I want to do the BFL plan again?

Each has it's strong points:

WW Points: Lots of variety, easy to work into daily life and cook food for the whole family, but gives me the option to have junk. I always feel that I eat way too much junk and processed foods while doing WW. Why? Because I "can". If I could stay away from the junk, this would be the best option. Plus it would fit into my massive couponing craze that allows me to buy non-clean foods for cheap.

Clean Eating: Still lots of variety, I like the foods and eating this way, but it can be tough to cook meals for the whole family. Not sure if there's enough structure.

BFL: Pretty much clean eating, but with structure. Maybe too much structure. Not sure if I'm ready to embark full-force into this plan again because it can be time-consuming, although I was my fittest ever when I did BFL.

So, I need to think what will work best for me. Any opinions? (if there's anyone still reading :) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shawna, I knew if I left your link on my blog long enough, you'd be back!!!

If you think that you can stay away from the junk, then do the WW - you must know whcih works best for your schedule and your family, etc.

When the humidity is gone, it's so much better out there running (like last Thursday night for me.)

You can do this!