Monday, June 16, 2008


Yep, I logged FOUR miles this morning. I didn't run all of it, but I did run about 3 miles of it. I'm pretty proud of myself. That was the first day of my Nike+ 1/2 Marathon training, and I love going into my training profile on and seeing that bar all filled up with accomplishment. Here's my run:

And I ran outside on the track. This is my first time doing that since I started running about a month ago. I actually really liked it much, much better than the treadmill. The time FLEW by. A minute on the treadmill drags by, but a minute on the track is like a blink of an eye.
I was quite nervous about running in public. I like the fact that in the basement nobody can see me. I can wear just a sports bra and my shorts/skirt, and I don't have to care about the flab on my belly bouncing around or the shorts riding up. When I got to the track, nobody was there. It was pretty gray and windy and ready to rain at any second. One girl showed up as I was starting my workout. And then an older man came and walked a mile. As I was leaving one other girl showed up to run. I know nobody cares what I look like, and frankly, I don't care either. I wore my shorts with bike shorts underneath, and if they rode up, oh well. I did spare everyone and wore a tshirt :P
New Feature:
Song of the day: Goodbye to You by Scandal


Anonymous said...

I'm liking this song of the day thing taking off! Congratulations to you for getting out there and on the track. i actually don't mind when others are there, I don't feel so lonely and more likely to finish what I came for (yesterday's debacle not included.)

jlou said...

I get nervous about running in public too. Logically, I know it's stupid to worry about, but I still don't like being seen running. Ah well... Great job on the 4 miles!!

RunnerMom said...

Don't get too down about the bad run. We all have them about once a week! I used to lose all running confidence based on one bad run. Then get it back... then lose it again.

Sounds like your running is coming along great! Breaking 4 miles is a good feeling. Then you'll do 5 and pretty soon be ready for 10K's. Then the next logical step is a half marathon....

I saw you enjoyed the track. I love running on outdoor tracks and play little games with myself to try to run each lap a little faster or at least equal to the other ones.

RunnerMom said...

Oh, I commented about the more recent post on here because the newer post wouldn't take my comment! (Just to clarify)